Thursday, March 19, 2015


The VSCO Cam is one of my favorite apps to use for editing my pictures. I use this app for the majority of my photos and the amount of different things you can do is amazing. This app isn’t so much like Photoshop where you can make yourself tanner or have your teeth look whiter, it has many filters and there are additional editing tools that you are able to work with. It really can make your photo look amazing after you’re done.
Some of the editing tools that it has it Exposure, temperature, shadows, contrast, tint, saturation, and highlights. My favorite one to use is exposure because it really comes in handy when my picture is way too bright or too dark. The pictures below are a perfect example, the picture to the left is the original and the picture to the right is edited. In the original, you can’t really see my face too well, it’s all too bright. But after its edited using exposure you can now see my eyes a lot better and my hair looks like the color it’s supposed to be.

Another reason why I love this app is because just like you can use it to change big things about a picture; you can also just change tiny things in a photo. For example, I took a picture of my dog and you couldn’t really see one side of his face. When I went on the app all I had to do was a tiny change and you could see his face a lot more, all I did was add a ‘+5’ shadow to the photo. It was one easy step.

The VSCO Cam is the best way to edit your photos; it’s simple, easy to use, and you’ll get the best results.


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