Wednesday, May 20, 2015


In the first picture he has his drink in his hand and its full. In the second picture the cup is empty.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This is just a few of my favorite things/places in one picture 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My surreal photo montage

For my surreal photo montage I wanted to put both of my favorite places in one picture. So I have a picture of Times Square in NYC and another picture of the beach with the waves breaking. I want to have the background to be Times Square and then I would like to take a picture of a mirror and cut and paste the photo of the beach and put it inside the mirror. I feel that that might be a little to plain so I'll probably add a few things as I'm editing. 

Surrealism Research

Surrealism Artists

Photographer: Erik Johansson

Painter:  Frida Kahlo

Johansson:  He grew up in Götene, Sweden on a farm with his two younger sisters and his parents. At a young age he got interested in computers and when he turned 15 years old he got his first digital camera. He used to play around with the pictures that he look on the computer, but he didn't consider that as a profession for himself until he got older. Than in 2005 he went to Gothenburg to study computer engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. When he was there he picked up his interest again, and published some of the pictures online. He started to get a few requests from a few local advertising agencies. That’s when he wanted to try out the Photography path instead and he got more and more jobs. In 2012 he moved to Berlin, Germany for inspiration. Now he works with both personal and commissioned projects. He also has been working with Google, Adobe, and Microsoft.

Kahlo: She grew up near Mexico City. When she turned 6 she developed polio and never fully recovered the use of her right leg. Than when she was 18 she got into a bus accident and had a few serious injuries. While she was recovering, her mother bought her paints and a mirror. As she laid in her bed for months, she created hundreds of self-portraits and taught herself how to draw and oil painting. She married Diego Rivera at the age of 22, they both had lovers and then got divorced but then remarried in 1940.

Artist Name: Erik Johansson

Title: Zip City

Date: 2015

Description: Tractors on a farm trying not to get zipped up by the buildings.

Analysis: The buildings take up a lot of space in the picture. You can also tell the sun is coming from the upper left corner because of the shadows of the buildings. Also on the left side of the picture is brighter than the right side of the picture.

Interpretation: I think that this photo means that the city life is kind of taking over in a way. There is only a small part of the farm in the picture and then a great amount of buildings all around it. Plus the zipper makes me feel like we want to take out the farmland as fast as possible.

Judgment: I like this piece a lot; I feel it’s very accurate especially now a days. Parks and farmland are being taken down for business buildings all the time. I like how it’s easy to determine what it means. 

Artist: Frida Kahlo

Title: Self-Portrait

Date: 1932

Description: It looks like the left half of the painting is a part of Mexico because she has the Mexican flag on that side of the painting. On the right half of the painting is the American because of the USA flag in the clouds. The American side has a lot of buildings and factories are what it looks like. On the Mexican side it has statutes and what looks like flowers on the bottom.

Analysis: I feel like the left side of the painting (the American side) has more objects in it, it looks more crowded. Whereas on the right side there isn't as much stuff and it’s spaced out. The first thing I look at in this painting is the American side because of the fact that there is more stuff on that side.

Interpretation: I don’t really know the meaning of this painting. All I really know is that she is on the borderline between Mexico and the United States.

Judgment: I think this painting is good. I just wish it was easier to determine what it means. 

I feel in Johansson’s art work it’s simpler; there is only a three different things to look at. Whereas in Frida Kahlo’s art work there is so much to look at, it seems a lot more complicated. Then there is the obvious difference that Johansson used Photoshop. Also the farm in Johansson work looks like a real farm. In Frida Kahlo’s work everything is painted, nothing in Johansson’s work is painted.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015


The VSCO Cam is one of my favorite apps to use for editing my pictures. I use this app for the majority of my photos and the amount of different things you can do is amazing. This app isn’t so much like Photoshop where you can make yourself tanner or have your teeth look whiter, it has many filters and there are additional editing tools that you are able to work with. It really can make your photo look amazing after you’re done.
Some of the editing tools that it has it Exposure, temperature, shadows, contrast, tint, saturation, and highlights. My favorite one to use is exposure because it really comes in handy when my picture is way too bright or too dark. The pictures below are a perfect example, the picture to the left is the original and the picture to the right is edited. In the original, you can’t really see my face too well, it’s all too bright. But after its edited using exposure you can now see my eyes a lot better and my hair looks like the color it’s supposed to be.

Another reason why I love this app is because just like you can use it to change big things about a picture; you can also just change tiny things in a photo. For example, I took a picture of my dog and you couldn’t really see one side of his face. When I went on the app all I had to do was a tiny change and you could see his face a lot more, all I did was add a ‘+5’ shadow to the photo. It was one easy step.

The VSCO Cam is the best way to edit your photos; it’s simple, easy to use, and you’ll get the best results.


David Hockney Inspired Collage

This is the landscape of my house, I like how in this you can see every angle of my house. I wish I could have gotten a better shot of the top of my house. The only thing I would say that a little awkward in this photo is the picture right above my door and right under the top of my house. Its weirdly placed and I wish I could have taken a picture that looks a lot better. 

Personally, I think this picture looks a littler weird. But I feel I did a good job editing this so it could be like a David Hockney photo.   

Monday, March 9, 2015

Self Reflection

I'd Rather be

Id rather be on the stage with Luke Bryan. You may not be able to see me but I'm the little one on the left of the stage.  I like to think of myself as one of his backup singers. 

Partner Portraiture

I took two separate picture than I cut and pasted the images to this background. I wanted it to make it a little more casual rather than dressing as cheerleaders. You see pictures of people throwing up stunts all over the place, that is kind of what I wanted to do here. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Portrait Series

This is a portrait of my friend, I tried to take pictures of her doing her make up. I think next time I should pick a solid background to put behind her, I feel that the background is very distracting. I like the first photo the best just because it has more natural lighting than in the other photos. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Photography Composition

Leading Line

Leading line is when there are lines in a photo that lead to something.
This picture was taken at the Perth Amboy Waterfront. The railings on the dock are perfect for a leading line photograph. The lines lead right into the middle of the picture.


Framing a photo means to take a picture with an image inside a border.
This is a picture of my back door. I would consider this a framing photo because it has the border around the images behind it.


Horizontal pictures have a bigger width than length.

This picture was taken in Bayville while I was on a dock. This image is perfect because even in the picture everything is going into a horizontal motion.

Vertical pictures have a bigger length than width.
This picture was taken in Times Square. In this picture everything is in a vertical motion, just like in the horizontal picture.

Informal Balance

This type of picture is asymmetrical and the objects don’t tend to be the same size. 
I think this is a perfect example of informal balance. It’s a picture of my dog and my stuff animal dog sitting next to each other. They are both dogs but are completely different sizes.